Les publications scientifiques
Pour toutes demandes d’articles en PDF, contactez mleopold@for.paris
Août-23 | Evaluation of vitamin B6 supplementation in Wilson’s disease patients treated with D-penicillamine | Mbala J, et al. BMJ Open Gastroenterol | Justin Mbala, Abdelouahed Belmalih, Olivier Guillaud, Alain Lachaux, Eduardo Couchonnal Bedoya |
Juil-23 | Quality of life and depression in Wilson’s disease: a large prospective cross‑sectional study | Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases | Kevin Chevalier, Djamila Rahli, Louise de Veyrac, Jessica Guillaume, Michaël Alexandre Obadia and Aurélia Poujois |
Nov 22 | Diagnosis and Outcomes of Late-Onset Wilson’s Disease: A National Registry-Based Study | Movement Disorders | Christelle Nilles, Mickael Alexandre Obadia, Rodolphe Sobesky, Jérôme Dumortier, Olivier Guillaud, Chloé Laurencin, Caroline Moreau, Claire Vanlemmens, Fabienne Ory-Magne,Victor de Ledinghen, Edouard Bardou-Jacquet, Frederique Fluchère, Corinne Collet, Nouzha Oussedik-Djebrani, France Woimant, Aurélia Poujois |
Nov-22 | Experience on switching trientine formulations in Wilson disease: Efficacy and safety after initiation of TETA 4HCl as substitute for TETA 2HCl | Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology | Isabelle Mohr, Hélène Bourhis, France Woimant, Mickael Alexandre Obadia, Müzeyyen Morgil, Erwan Morvan, Uta Merle, Gerald Denk, Aurelia Poujois and Karl Heinz Weiss |
Juil-22 | Next‑generation sequencing: a decisive diagnostic aid for atypical Wilson’s disease | Journal of Neurology | Amory Jardel, Céline Bonnet, Solène Frismand‑Kryloff, Jean Marie Ravel, Emmanuelle Schmitt, Mickael Alexandre Obadia, Sébastien Delassaux, Myriam Bronner, Aurelia Poujois, Mathilde Renaud |
Juil-22 | Efficacy and Safety of Two Salts of Trientine in the Treatment of Wilson’s disease | Journal of Clinical medicine | France Woimant, Dominique Debray, Erwan Morvan, Mickael Alexandre Obadia, Aurélia Poujois |
Mai-22 | Wilson’s disease update on pathogenesis, biomarkers and treatments | J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry | Samuel Shribman, Aurelia Poujois, Oliver Bandmann, Anna Czlonkowska, Thomas T Warner |
Avr-22 | Eye Involvement in Wilson’s Disease A Review of the Literature | Journal of clinical medicine | Kevin Chevalier, Martine Mauget-Faÿsse, Vivien Vasseur, Georges Azar, Michaël Alexandre Obadia and Aurélia Poujois |
Avr-22 | Perceptual Classification of Motor Speech Disorders The role of Severity, Speech Task, and Listener’s Expertise | JSLHR | Michaela Pernon, Frederic Assal, Ina Kodrasi, Marina Laganaro |
oct 21 | Pediatric Wilson’s_Disease : Phenotypic, Genetic Characterization and Outcome of 182 Children in France | Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition | Eduardo Couchonnal, Laurence Lion-Franc¸ois, Olivier Guillaud, Dalila Habes, Dominique Debray, Thierry Lamireau, Pierre Broue, Alexandre Fabre, Claire Vanlemmens, Rodolphe Sobesky, Frederic Gottrand, Laure Bridoux Henno, Jerome Dumortier, Abdelouahed Belmalih, Aurelia Poujois, Emmanuel Jacquemin, Anne Sophie Brunet, Muriel Bost, and Alain Lachaux |
oct-21 | Designing Clinical Trials in Wilson’s Disease | Hepatology | Peter Ott, Aftab Ala , Frederick K. Askari, Anna Czlonkowska, Ralf-Dieter Hilgers, Aurélia Poujois, Eve A. Roberts, Thomas Damgaard Sandahl , Karl Heinz Weiss, Peter Ferenci , and Michael L. Schilsky |
sept-21 | Adherence to treatment, a challenge even in treatable | J Inherit Metab Dis. | Elodie Jacquelet, Aurelia Poujois, Marie-Christine Pheulpin, Adèle Demain, Nadège Tinant, Nathalie Gastellier, France Woimant |
aout-21 | Peripheral Arrangement of Steatosis Microvacuoles in Wilson’s | Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology | Astrid Laurent-Bellue, Rodolphe Sobesky, and Catherine Guettier |
aout-21 | ATP7B variant spectrum in a French pediatric Wilson disease cohort | European Journal of Medical Genetics | Eduardo Couchonnal, Sophie Bouchard, Thomas Damgaard Sandahl, Cecile Pagan,Laurence Lion-François, Olivier Guillaud, Dalila Habes, Dominique Debray, Thierry Lamireau, Pierre Broue, Alexandre Fabre, Claire Vanlemmens, Rodolphe Sobesky, Frederic Gottrand, Laure Bridoux-Henno, Abdelouahed Belmalih, Aurelia Poujois, Anne Sophie Brunet, Alain Lachaux, Muriel Bost |
juil-21 | Non-invasive diagnosis and follow-up of rare genetic liver diseases | Clinics and Research in Hepatology and Gastroenterology | R. Sobesky, O. Guillaud, C. Bouzbib et al. |
juil-21 | Cardiac involvement in Wilson disease Review of the literature and description of three cases of sudden death | J Inherit Metab Dis. | Kevin Chevalier, Nadia Benyounes, Michaël Alexandre Obadia, Clélie Van Der Vynckt, Erwan Morvan, Thierry Tibi, Aurélia Poujois |
juil-21 | Non invasive diagnosis and follow up of rare genetic liver diseases | Clinics and Research in Hepatology and Gastroenterology | Rodolphe Sobesky , Olivier Guillaud , Charlotte Bouzbib, Philippe Sogni , Aurelia Poujois , France Woimant, Jean Charles Duclos-Vallee , Marc Bourliere, Victor de Ledinghen , Nathalie Ganne-Carrie, Christophe Bureau |
juin-21 | Dossier scientifique maladie de Wilson | Revue Francophone des Laboratoires | Aurélia Poujois, Nouzha Djebrani-Oussedik, Joël Poupon, France Woimant |
avril-21 | Neurodégénérescences avec accumulation intracérébrale de fer | La Lettre du Neurologue | A.Poujois |
janv-21 | Maladie de Wilson : dix notions essentielles pour optimiser la prise en charge des patients | Hépatp-Gastro | Lachaux A, Djebrani-Oussedik N, Habes D Guillaud O, Ory-Magne F, Poujois A, Sobesky R, Vanlemmens C, Woimant F |
dec-20 | Maladie de Wilson : les 10 essentiels pour optimiser la prise en charge des patients en pédiatrie | Perfectionnement en Pédiatrie | Habes D, Lachaux A, Guillaud O, Ory-Magne F, Oussedik-Djebrani N, Poujois A, Sobesky R, Vanlemmens C, Woimant F |
sept-20 | Bicart-S-e_et_al-2020-Journal_of_Neurology | Neurology | Louise Bicart‑Sée, Jean‑Luc Thibault, Aurélia Poujois, France Woimant, Floriane Bouquet‑Castiglione, Pierre Lozeron, Nathalie Kubis |
mai-20 | Liver transplantation as a rescue therapy for severe neurologic forms of Wilson disease | Neurology | Poujois A, Sobesky R, Meissner W, Brunet AS,Broussolle E, Laurencin C, Lion-François L, Guillaud O, Lachaux A, Maillot F, Belin J, Salame E, Vanlemmens C, Heyd B, Bellesme C, Habes D, Bureau C, Ory-Magne F, Chaine P, Trocello JM, Cherqui D, Samuel D, de Ledinghen V, JDuclos-Vallee JC, and Woimant F |
mai 20 | Maladie de Wilson Les 10 points essentiels pour optimiser la prise en charge des patients en neurologie | Neurologies | Poujois A Habes D, Guillaud O, Lachaux A, Ory- Magne F, Oussedik-Djebrani N, Sobesky R, Vanlemmens C, Woimant F |
mars-20 | MonPaGe, un outil de screening francophone informatisé d’évaluation perceptive et acoustique des troubles moteurs de la parole (dysarthries, apraxie de la parole) | Rééducation orthophonique | Pernon, M., Lévêque, N., Delvaux, V., Assal, F., Borel, S., Fougeron, C., & Laganaro M. |
mars-20 | A novel deep intronic variant in ATP7B in five unrelated families affected by Wilson disease | Molecular Genetics and Genomic Medecine | Woimant F, Poujois A, Bloch A, Jordi T, JL Laplanche, H Morel, C Collet |
fev-20 | Semiquantitative Scale for Assessing Brain MRI Abnormalities in Wilson Disease: A Validation Study | Movement Disorders | Dusek P, MD, Smolinski L, Redzia-Ogrodnik B, Golebiowski M, Skowronska M, Poujois A, MD, Laurencin C, Jastrzebska-Kurkowska I, Litwin T, Członkowska A |
dec-19 | Comprehensive and comparative exploration of the Atp7b mouse plasma proteome | Royal Society of Chemistry | Lacombe M, Jacquinod M, Belmudes L, Couté Y, Ramus C, Combes F, Burger T, Mintz E, Barthelon J, Leroy V, Poujois A, Lachaux A, Woimant F, Brun V |
nov-19 | Sleep Disorders in Wilson’s Disease | Curr Neurology and Neuroscience Reports | Cohen De Cock V, Woimant F, Poujois A |
mai-19 | New tools for Wilson’s disease diagnosis: exchangeable copper fraction | Ann Transl Med. | Woimant F, Djebrani-Oussedik N, Poujois A |
mai-19 | Challenges in the diagnosis of Wilson disease | Ann Transl Med. | Poujois A, Woimant F |
fev-19 | la malobservance dans la maladie de wilson | Cahier de psychologie clinique | Jacquelet E, Woimant F, Pheulpin MC |
avr-19 | Exceptional involvement of medulla oblongata in Wilson disease | Neurology | Poujois A, Guillonnet A, Woimant F |
déc-18 | Evaluable of the accuracy of exchangeable copper and relative exchangeable copper (REC) in a mouse model of Wilson’s disease | J Trace Elem Med Biol. | Heissat S, Harel A, Um K, Brunet AS, Hervieu V, Guillaud O, Dumortier J, Lachaux A, Mintz E, Bost M |
sept-18 | Sleep abnormalities in Wilson’s disease | Curr Treat Options Neurol. | Cochen De Cock V, Girardot-Tinant N, Woimant F, Poujois A |
sept-18 | The hidden face of Wilson’s disease | Rev Neurol (Paris) | Woimant F, Djebrani-Oussedik N, Collet C, Girardot N, Poujois A |
sept-18 | La maladie de Wilson en 2018 | Pratique Neurologique | Poujois A, Chaine P, Woimant F |
août-18 | Answer to challenging issues in the management of Wilson’s disease | Clin Res Hepatol Gastroenterol | Poujois A, Woimant F |
août-18 | High genetic carrier frequency of Wilson’s disease in France: discrepancies with clinical prevalence | BMC Medical Genetics | Collet C, Laplanche JL, Page J, Morel H, Woimant F, Poujois A |
juil-18 | Predictive factors for survival in children liver transplanted for Wilson disease: a cohort study using ELTR data | Liver Transpl. | Pfister ED, Karch A, Polak WG, Karam V, Adam R, Duvoux C, Mirza D, O Grady J, Klempnauer J, Reding R, Kalicinski P, Coker A, Trunecka P, Astarcioglu I, Duclos-Vallée JC, Pratschke J, Paul A, Popescu I, Schneeberger S, Boillot O, Nashan B, Mikolajczyk RT, Baumann U |
juin-18 | Maladie de Wilson | Traité de Médecine, 5ème Edition, Volume 1 | Woimant F, Poujois A |
mai-18 | CCDC115-CDG: A new rare and misleading inherited cause of liver disease | Mol Genet Metab. | Girard M, Poujois A, Fabre M, Lacaille F, Debray D, Rio M, Fenaille F, Cholet S, Ruel C, Caussé E, Selves J, Bridoux-Henno L, Woimant F, Dupré T, Vuillaumier-Barrot S, Seta N, Alric L, de Lonlay P, Bruneel A |
avr-18 | Wilson’s disease: a 2017 update | Clin Res Hepatol Gastroenterol | Poujois A, Woimant F |
fév-18 | Wilson’s disease in children: a position paper by the hepatology committee of the European Society for Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition | J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. | Socha P, Janczyk W, Dhawan A, Baumann U, D’Antiga L, Tanner S, Iorio R, Vajro P, Houwen R, Fischler B, Dezsofi A, Hadzic N, Hierro L, Jahnel J, McLin V, Nobili V, Smets F, Verkade HJ, Debray D |
déc-17 | Classical osseous lesions leading to an unsuspected diagnosis | Arch Pediatr. | Almes M, Fayard C, Gonzales E, Hermeziu B, Bellesme C, Jacquemin E, Koné-Paut I, Adamsbaum C, Dusser P |
déc-17 | Unusual osseous presentation of Wilson disease in a child | Arch Pediatr. | Almes M, Fayard C, Gonzales E, Hermeziu B, Bellesme C, Jacquemin E, Koné-Paut I, Adamsbaum C, Dusser P |
déc-17 | A recessive ataxia diagnosis algorithm for the next generation sequencing era | Ann Neurol. | Renaud M, Tranchant C, Martin JVT, Mochel F, Synofzik M, van de Warrenburg B, Pandolfo M, Koenig M, Kolb SA, Anheim M; RADIAL Working Group |
déc-17 | Compliance with treatment in Wilson’s disease: On the interest of a multidisciplinary closer follow-up | Rev Med Interne | Jacquelet E, Beretti J, De-Tassigny A, Girardot-Tinant N, Wenisch E, Lachaux A, Pheulpin MC, Poujois A, Woimant F |
oct-17 | Dystonic disarthria in Wilson disease: Efficacy of Zolpidem | Frontiers in Neurology | Poujois A, Pernon M, Trocello JM, Woimant F |
oct-17 | Neurological presentations revealing acquired copper deficiency: diagnosis features, etiologies and evolution in seven patients | Intern Med J. | Poujois A, Djebrani-Oussedik N, Ory-Magne F, Woimant F |
juil-17 | Relative exchangeable copper: a valuable tool for the diagnosis of Wilson disease | Liver Int. | Guillaud O, Brunet AS, Mallet I, Dumortier J, Pelosse M, Heissat S, Rivet C, Lachaux A, Bost M |
juil-17 | Inhibitory rTMS applied on somatosensory cortex in Wilson’s disease patients with hand dystonia | J Neural Transm | Lozeron P, Poujois A, Meppiel E, Masmoudi S, Peron-Magnan T, Vicaut E, Houdart E, Guichard JP, Trocello JM, Woimant F, Kubis N |
juin-17 | Characteristics and prevalence of Wilson’s disease: A 2013 observational population-based study in France | Clin Res Hepatol Gastroenterol | Poujois A, Woimant F, Samson S, Chaine P, Girardot-Tinant N, Tuppin P |
juin-17 | Ecchymosis as the presenting manifestation of Wilson disease: A case report | Rev Med Interne | Bayer G, Bauvois A, Mankikian J, Tardieu M, Maillot F, Salame E, Woimant F, Poujois A, Viana M, Legras A |
avr-17 | Wilson disease: Brain pathology | Handb Clin Neurol. | Poujois A, Mikol J, Woimant F |
avr-17 | Screening of Wilson’s disease in a psychiatric population: difficulties and pitfalls. A preliminary study | Ann Gen Psychiatry | Demily C, Parant F, Cheillan D, Broussolle E, Pavec A, Guillaud O, Restier L, MOPSY Consortium, Lachaux A, Bost M |
avr-17 | Social cognition in Wilson’s disease: A new phenotype? | PLoS One | Peyroux E, Santaella N, Broussolle E, Rigard C, Favre E, Brunet AS, Bost M, Lachaux A, Demily C |
mars-17 | Cognitive abilities of Children with neurological and liver forms of Wilson’s disease | J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. | Favre E, Lion-François L, Canton M, Vanlemmens C, Bonneton M, Bouillet L, Brunet AS, Lachaux A |
janv-17 | Exchangeable copper: a reflection of the neurological severity in Wilson’s disease | Eur J Neurol. | Poujois A, Trocello JM, Djebrani-Oussedik N, Collet C, Girardot-Tinant N, Sobesky R, Habès D, Debray D, Vanlemmens C, Fluchere F, Ory-Magne F, Labreuche J, Preda C, Woimant F |
nov-16 | Système nerveux central et surcharge en fer | Les Colloques de l’Institut Servier | Poujois A |
nov-16 | Liver transplantation in Wilson’s disease with neurological impairment: evaluation in 4 patients | European Neurology | Laurencin C, Brunet AS, Dumortier J, Lion-François L, Thobois S, Mabrut JY, Dubois R, Woimant F, Poujois A, Guillaud O, Lachaux A, Broussolle E |
nov-16 | Contribution of TMS and rTMS in the Understanding of the Pathophysiology and in the Treatment of Dystonia | Frontiers in Neural Circuits | Lozeron P, Poujois A, Richard A, Masmoudi S, Meppiel E, Woimant F, Kubis N |
oct-16 | Bioavailable trace metals in neurological diseases | Curr Treat Options Neurol | Poujois A, Devedjian JC, Moreau C, Devos D, Chaine P, Woimant F, Duce JA |
avr-16 | Rapid and reliable diagnosis of Wilson disease using X-ray fluorescence | J Path: Clin Res | Kascakova S, Kewish CM, Rouzière S, Schmitt F, Sobesky R, Poupon J, Sandt C, Francou B, Somogyi A, Samuel D, Jacquemin E, Dubart-Kupperschmitt A, Nguyen TH, Bazin D, Duclos-Vallée JC, Guettier C, Le Naour F |
avr-16 | MR imaging features of focal liver lesions in Wilson disease | Abdominal Radiology | Dohan A, Vargas O, Dautry R, Guerrache Y, Woimant F, Hamzi L, Boudiaf M, Poujois A, Faraoum SA, Soyer P |
mars-16 | MR imaging features of liver involvement by Wilson disease in adult patients | La Radiologia Medica | Vargas O, Faraoun SA, Dautry R, Guerrache Y, Woimant F, Hamzi L, Boudiaf M, Poujois A, Soyer P, Dohan A |
déc-15 | Zinc Therapy for Wilson Disease in Children in French Pediatric Centers | J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. | Santiago R , Gottrand F, Debray D, Bridoux L, Lachaux A, Morali A, Lapeyre D, Lamireau T |
oct-15 | Hypersialorrhea in Wilson’s Disease | Dysphagia | Trocello JM , Osmani K , Pernon M , Chevaillier G , de Brugière C , Remy P , Wenisch E , Cousin C , Girardot-Tinant N , Woimant F |
juin-15 | Maladie de Wilson: Actualités | La Revue de Médecine Interne | Woimant F, Poujois A, Vanlemmens C |
janv-15 | Maladie de Wilson et Orthophonie | L’orthophoniste | Pernon M |
janv-15 | La maladie de Wilson | www.daddylemme.fr | Pernon M |
janv-15 | Dysarthries et dysphagies dans la maladie de Wilson: nouveaux outils | Rev Neurol (Paris) | Pernon M, Ruano E, Poujois A, Chevaillier G, Woimant F |
nov-14 | Bone status and fractures in 85 adults with Wilson’s disease | Osteoporos. Int. | Quemeneur AS , Trocello JM, Ea HK, Ostertag A, Leyendecker A, Duclos-Vallée JC, de Vernejoul MC, Woimant F, Lioté F |
mai-14 | A novel FTL mutation responsible for neuroferritinopathy with asymmetric clinical features and brain anomalies | Parkinsonism Relat Disord. | Moutton S, Fergelot P, Trocello JM, Plante-Bordeneuve V, Houcinat N, Wenisch E, Larue V, Brugières P, Clot F, Lacombe D, Arveiler B, Goizet C |
avr-14 | Relative exchangeable copper: a promising tool for family screening in Wilson disease | Mov Disord. | Trocello JM, El Balkhi S, Woimant F, Girardot-Tinant N, Chappuis P, Lloyd C, Pouon J |
mars-14 | Long term results of liver transplantation for Wilson’s disease: experience in France | J Hepatol. | Guillaud O, Dumortier J, Sobesky R, Debray D, Wolf P, Vanlemmens C, Durand F, Calmus Y, Duvoux C, Dharancy S, Kamar N, Boudjema K, Bernard PH, Pageaux GP, Salamé E, Gugenheim J, Lachaux A, Habes D, Radenne S, Hardwigsen J, Chazouillères O, Trocello JM, Woimant F, Ichai P, Branchereau S, Soubrane O, Castaing D, Jacquemin E, Samuel D, Duclos-Vallée JC |
févr-14 | Effect of molecular absorbents recirculating system treatment in children with acute liver failure caused by Wilson disease | J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. | Rustom N, Bost M, Cour-Andlauer F, Lachaux A, Brunet AS, Boillot O, Bordet F, Valla F, Richard N, Javouhey E |
janv-14 | Disorders of heavy metals | Handb Clin Neurol. | Woimant F, Trocello JM |
janv-14 | Manifestations psychiatriques des maladies héréditaires du métabolisme | Encyclopédie Médico-Chirurgicale – Psychiatrie | Demily C, Sedel F |
déc-13 | Cognitive profile in Wilson’s disease: a case series of 31 patients | Rev Neurol (Paris) | Wenisch E, De Tassigny A, Trocello JM, Beretti J, Girardot-Tinant N, Woimant F |
déc-13 | Evolution of exchangeable copper and relative exchangeable copper through the course of Wilson’s disease in Long evans Cinnamin Rat | PLoS One | Schmitt F, Podevin G, Poupon J, Roux J, Legras P, Trocello JM, Woimant F, Laprévote O, Nguyen TH, El Balkhi S |
déc-13 | Foreword. Wilson’s disease | Rev Neurol (Paris) | Woimant F |
déc-13 | Samuel Alexander Kinnier Wilson. Wilson’s disease, Queen Square and neurology | Rev Neurol (Paris) | Broussolle E, Trocello JM, Woimant F, Lachaux A, Quinn N |
déc-13 | Wilson’s disease, 100 years later… | Rev Neurol (Paris) | Trocello JM, Broussolle E, Girardot-Tinant N, Pelosse M, Lachaux A, Lloyd C, Woimant F |
sept-13 | Parkinsonian disorders: from clinical manifestations to diagnostic classification | Rev Med Interne | Bourdain F, Tir M, Trocello JM |
août-13 | Extensive striatal, cortical, and white matter brain MRI abnormalities in Wilson disease | Neurology | Trocello JM, Woimant F, El Balkhi S, Guichard JP, Poupon J, Chappuis P, Feillet F |
juin-13 | Efficacy and safety of oral chelators in treatment of patients with Wilson disease | Clin Gastroenterol Heaptol. | Weiss KH, Thurik F, Gotthardt DN, Schäfer M, Teufel U, Wiegand F, Merle U, Ferenci-Foerster D, Maieron A, Stauber R, Zoller H, Schmidt HH, Reuner U, Hefter H, Trocello JM, Houwen RH, Ferenci P, Stremmel W; EUROWILSON Consortium |
juin-13 | Could speech rate of Wilson’s disease dysarthric patient be improved in dual task condition ? | Rev Neurol (Paris) | Pernon M, Trocello JM, Vaissière J, Cousin C, Chevaillier G, Rémy P, Kidri-Osmani K, Fougeron C, Woimant F |
juin-13 | Wilson disease in offspring of affected patients: report of four French families | Clin Res Hepatol Gastroenterol | Dufernez F, Lachaux A, Chappuis P, De Lumley L, Bost M, Woimant F, Misrahi M, Debray D |
juin-13 | Serum copper, zinc and selenium levels in Tunisian patients with Parkinson’s disease | Younes-Mhenni S, Aissi M, Mokni N, Boughammoura-Bouatay A, Chebel S, Frih-Ayed M, Kerkeni A, Bost M, Chazot G, Sfar MT, Sfar MH | |
avr-13 | Maladie de Wilson | EMC-Neurologie | Woimant F, Trocello JM, Girardot-Tinant N, Chaine P, Sobesky R, Duclos-Vallée JC, Chappuis P, El Balkhi S, Poupon J |
mars-13 | Neurological Wilson’s disease lethal for the son, asymptomatic in the father | Mov Disord. | Denoyer Y, Woimant F, Bost M, Edan G, Drapier S |
févr-13 | Have centers of rare neurological diseases modified practices and the care of Wilson’s disease ? | Rev Neurol (Paris) | Woimant F, Trocello JM, Chaine P, Broussolle E |
déc-12 | Familial screening in Wilson’s disease: think at the previous generation ! | J Hepatol. | Brunet AS, Marotte S, Guillaud O, Lachaux A |
juin-12 | Molecular analysis of Wilson patients: direct sequencing and MLPA analysis in the ATP7B gene and Atox1 and COMMD1 gene analysis | J Trace Elem Med Biol. | Bost M, Piguet-Lacroix G, Parant F, Wilson CM |
mars-12 | Diagnosis and care of Wilson disease with neurological revelation | Arch Pediatr. | Wagner S, Brunet AS, Bost M, Lachaux A, Broussolle E, Des Portes V, Lion-François L |
janv-12 | Maladie de Wilson: place de la Triéthylène tétramine (TETA, Tientine) dans la stratégie thérapeutique | Dossier du Centre National Hospitalier d’Information sur le Médicament (CNHIM) | Allely C, Hussom M-C, Woimant F et la participation du comité de rédaction |
janv-12 | Maladie de Wilson: actualités et collaborations | Rev Neurol (Paris) | Woimant F, Tinant N, Wenish E, El balkhi S, Vanlemmens C, Bost M, Trocello JM |
janv-12 | Maladie de Wilson, Maladie de Menkès et Acéruloplasminémie | Chapitre du livre: Prise en charge médicale et diététique des maladies héréditaires du métabolisme, Springer | Woimant F, Trocello JM |
janv-12 | Maladie de Wilson | Chapitre du livre: Encyclopédie médico-chirurgicale | Woimant F, Trocello JM, Girardot-Tiant N, Chaine P, Sobesky R, Duclos-Vallée JC, Chappuis P, El Balkhi S, Poupon J |
nov-11 | Relative exchangeable copper: a new highly sensitive and highly specific biomarker for Wilson’s disease diagnosis | Clin Chim Acta. | El Balkhi S, Trocello JM, Poupon J, Chappuis P, Massicot F, Girardot-Tinant N, Woimant F |
oct-11 | Corpus callosum abnormalities in Wilson’s disease | J Neuro Neurosurg Psychiatry | Trocello JM, Guichard JP, Leyendecker A, Pernon M, Chaine P, El Balkhi S, Poupon J, Chappuis P, Woimant F |
oct-11 | Miscellaneous non-inflammatory musculoskeletal conditions. Musculoskeletal conditions associated with Wilson’s disease | Best Pract Res Clin Rheumatol. | Quemeneur AS, Trocello JM, Ea HK, Woimant F, Lioté F |
juin-11 | An unrecognized cause of myelopathy associated with copper deficiency: the use of denture cream | Rev Neurol (Paris) | Trocello JM, Hinfray S, Sanda N, Reiner P, El Balkhi S, Fabre C, Poupon J, Woimant F |
janv-11 | La maladie de Wilson | Le Généraliste | Trocello JM, Tinant N, Chaine P, Woimant F |
janv-11 | Elucidation of the ATP7B N-domain Mg2+ATP coordination site and its allosteric regulation | PLoS One | Hercend C, Bauvais C, Bollot G, Delacotte N, Chappuis P, Woimant F, Launay JM, Manivet P |
janv-11 | Manifestations rhumatologiques associées à la maladie de Wilson | Revue du Rhumatisme Monographies | Quemeneur AS, Trocello JM, de Vernejoul MC, Woimant F, Lioté F |
déc-10 | Molecular pathology of Wilson’s disease: A brief | J Hepatol. | Lalioti V, Sandoval I, Cassio D, Duclos-Vallée JC |
nov-10 | Abnormal copper metabolism in adult | Rev Med Interne | Trocello JM, Chappuis P, El Balkhi S, Poupon J, Leyendecker A, Chaine P, Woimant F |
août-10 | Human plasma copper proteins speciation by size exclusion chromatography coupled to inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Solutions for columns calibration by sulfur detection | Anal Chem. | El Balkhi S, Poupon J, Trocello JM, Massicot F, Woimant F, Laprévote O |
mai-10 | A novel mutation in ATP7B gene associated with severe neurological impairment in Wilson’s disease | Rev Neurol (Paris) | Elleuch N, Feki L, Turki E, Miladi MI, Boukhris A, Damak M, Mhiri C, Chappuis P, Woimant F |
janv-10 | La Maladie de Wilson en pédiatrie: Les maladies du foie et des voies biliaires chez l’enfant | Chapitre du livre: Collection progrès en pédiatrie, Douin | Lachaux A, Bost M, Lacaille F |
janv-10 | Maladie de Wilson. Protocole national de diagnostic et de soins. Les points importants pour le neurologue | Rev Neurol (Paris) | Trocello JM, Corbillon E, Bourdain F, Xie J., Sobesky R, Woimant F |
déc-09 | Drug treatments for spasticity | Ann Phys Rehabil Med. | Yelnik AP, Simon O, Bensmail D, Chaleat-Valayer E, Decq P, Dehail P, Quentin V, Marque P, Parratte B, Pellas F, Rousseaux M, Trocello JM, Uzzan M, Dumarcet N; Agence française de sécurité sanitaire des produits de santé |
juil-09 | Wilson Disease | Presse Med. | Trocello JM, Chappuis P, Chaine P, Rémy P, Debray D, Duclos-Vallée JC, Woimant F |
juil-09 | Determination of ultrafiltrable and exchangeable copper in plasma: stability and reference values in healthy subjects | Anal Bioanal Chem. | El Balkhi S, Poupon J, Trocello JM, Leyendecker A, Massicot F, Galliot-Guilley M, Woimant F |
mai-09 | Intellectual and visuo-spatial assessment in long-term pediatric liver transplantation for biliary atresia | Transplantation | Yssaad-Fesselier R, Lion-François L, Herbillon V, Rivet C, Brunet AS, Yantren H, Bost M, Lachaux A |
janv-09 | La maladie de Wilson. Mise au point | La Neurologie Libérale | Woimant F, Trocello JM, Chappuis P, Xie-Brustolin J, Chaine P |
janv-09 | Spécificité de la pratique orthophonique auprès de patients atteints de la maladie de Wilson: expérience du Centre National de Référence pour la maladie de Wilson | L’orthophoniste | Pernon M, Trocello JM, Cousin C, Peron-Magnan T, de Tassigny A, Chevaillier G, Remy P, Woimant F |
janv-09 | Place de la kinésithérapie dans la maladie de Wilson-1ère partie | Kinésithérapie Scientifique | Peron-Magnan T |
janv-09 | Place de la kinésithérapie dans la maladie de Wilson-2ème partie | Kinésithérapie Scientifique | Peron-Magnan T |
avr-08 | Long-term results of liver transplantation for Wilson’s disease | Gastroenterol Clin Biol. | Pabón V, Dumortier J, Gincul R, Baulieux J, Ducerf C, Trépo C, Souquet JC, Zoulim F, Paliard P, Boillot O, Bost M, Lachaux A |
janv-08 | Wilson disease | Case study n°3 dans le livre: Parkinsonian disorders in clinical practice | Trocello JM, Woimant F |
janv-08 | Molecular pathogenesis of Wilson disease and mutation analysis of ATP7B gene in French patients | Chapitre du livre: Metal ions in biology and medicine, Volume 10, Eurotext Paris | Bost M, Chappuis P |
janv-08 | Maladie de Wilson: avancées récentes | La Lettre du Neurologue | Trocello JM, Chaine P, Remy P, Chappuis P, Nieto I, Bouchez S, Xie Brustolin J, Broussolle E, Woimant F |
janv-08 | De la clinique à la rééducation pour un trouble de l’écriture dans la maladie de Wilson illustré par un cas clinique | Kinésithérapie Scientifique | Peron-Magnan T, Trocello JM, Pernon M, de Tassigny A, Woimant F |
janv-08 | Registre sur la maladie de Wilson: de la France à l’Europe | La Lettre du Neurologue | Leyendecker A, Pelosse M, Debray D; Parker S, Fox M, Tanner S, Trocello JM, Woimant F |
janv-08 | La maladie de Wilson. Aspects obstétrico-gynécologiques | La Revue du Praticien Gynécologie et Obstétrique | Trocello JM, Leyendecker A, Chaine P, Woimant F |
nov-07 | Ocular motility and Wilson’s disease: a study on 34 patients | J Neuro Neurosurg Psychiatry | Ingster-Moati, Bui Quoc E, Pless M, Djomby R, Orssaud C, Guichard JP, Woimant F |
nov-07 | Le Rôle des psychologues auprès de patients atteints de maladie de Wilson | Le Journal des Psychologues | Gravereaux M, De Tassigny A |
janv-07 | Exploration biologique de la maladie de Wilson | Dossier scientique ‘cuivre’ dans: La Revue Francophone des laboratoires | Chappuis P, Bost M, Misrahi M, Lachaux A, Duclos-Vallée JC, Debray D, Trocello JM, Woimant F |
janv-07 | Late neurological presentations of Wilson disease patients in French population and identification of 8 novel mutations in the ATP7B gene | J Trace Elem Med Biol. | Chappuis P, Callebert J, Quignon V, Woimant F, Laplanche JL |
janv-07 | Unified Wilson’s Disease Rating Scale – a proposal for the neurological scoring of Wilson’s disease patients | Neurol Neurochir Pol. | Członkowska A, Tarnacka B, Möller JC, Leinweber B, Bandmann O, Woimant F, Oertel WH |
avr-06 | Maladie de Wilson: physiopathologie et génétique | Le Quotidien du Médecin | Bost M, Chappuis P |
févr-06 | Clinical correlates of cerebral water diffusion in Wilson disease | Neurology | Favrole P, Chabriat H, Guichard JP, Woimant F |
janv-06 | Les formes cliniques de la maladie de Wilson | Rev Prat. | Lachaux A |
janv-06 | Traitement de la maladie de Wilson | La Lettre du Neurologue | Peysson S, Broussolle E |
janv-06 | Maladie de Wilson | Rev Neurol (Paris) | Woimant F, Chaine P, Favrole P, Mikol J, Chappuis P |
janv-06 | Maladie de Wilson | Rev Prat. | Duclos-Vallee JC, Ichai P, Chapuis P, Misrahi M, Woimant F |
janv-06 | Maladie de Wilson | Hépato-Gastro | Duclos-Vallée JC, Ichai P, Chappuis P, Misrahi M, Woimant F |